
Coronary Artery Disease


Coronary Artery Disease Coronary artery disease is basically plaque buildup or fatty deposits causing a blockage or narrowing in the coronary arteries. The role of the heart is to pump blood to the body but it also has to pump blood to itself through the coronary arteries and if there is a narrowing or [...]

Coronary Artery Disease2021-03-30T18:32:42+00:00

Diabetes Mellitus


What is the pancreas? The pancreas is an organ in our body that aids in digestion when we eat. It not only produces enzymes to aid in digestion of food but it also produces insulin to help the glucose molecules after a meal to enter our individual cells. Diabetes Mellitus is a condition that [...]

Diabetes Mellitus2021-03-30T18:33:30+00:00

Weight Loss


Weight Loss For every person there usually is a range of healthy weight for their height. A calculation called the body mass index can help to determine a person normal weight for their height. Just simply plus it in the calculator or do it yourself by dividing the weight measured in kilograms by the [...]

Weight Loss2021-03-30T18:34:10+00:00



STD Screening Individuals who practice intercourse without protection and/or engage in sexual activity with multiple partner(s) at a time, are at increased risk for STIs also known as sexually transmitted infections. Many don't know about them and I would like to introduce a few STIs and encourage early checkups if you think you are [...]

STD SCREENING2021-03-30T18:34:40+00:00

High Blood Pressure


High Blood Pressure It is first important to provide definitions in order to understand this subject in detail. The unit to measure blood pressure is in mmHg (millimeters of mercury) Normal blood pressure by definition is a SBP of < or = to 120 mmHg over a DBP of < or = [...]

High Blood Pressure2021-03-30T18:35:07+00:00



Head Smart and Heart Smart Contentment and happiness are blessings that can result from a state of mindfulness. Mindfulness is a state in which a person is focused on themselves, including their emotions, their mental state, their physical health and well being and last, but not least, their spiritual state. It is a [...]

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